Shady Grove - Earthy and Sweet with Charcoal


Welcome to the vibrant world of "Shady Grove" Soap, where the spirit of the timeless bluegrass song meets the essence of Filthy Hippies in a colorful swirl of delight. This soap is a symphony of scents and colors that will transport you to a place of rustic charm and natural beauty.

Immerse yourself in the sweet embrace of orange and plumeria, harmonizing with the earthy tones of patchouli, amber, and vanilla. Infused with activated charcoal, this soap not only captivates the eye but also goes beyond ordinary cleansing, drawing out impurities and leaving your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Crafted with a harmonious blend of nourishing oils like Olive Oil, Soybean Oil, Coconut Oil, Canola Oil, Sunflower Oil, and Organic Shea Butter, "Shady Grove" Soap takes care of your skin's needs while celebrating the vibrant spirit of Filthy Hippies.

Indulge in the captivating beauty of "Shady Grove" Soap, as the swirls of red, yellow, and black blend in perfect harmony. Let the colors awaken your senses and elevate your bathing experience to a whole new level of grooviness. It's time to embrace the Filthy Hippies spirit and let "Shady Grove" Soap be your companion on a colorful journey of self-care and sensory delight.

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